Tiago Cogumbreiro

Tiago is an assistant professor at University of Massachusetts Boston. Tiago's research helps programmers write software with fewer bugs.

Tiago develops tools that localize errors, proves the correctness of algorithms, and mines how we write code to identify anomalies.

Image source: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute

  • Sound and partially-complete static analysis of data-races in GPU programs. Dennis Liew, Tiago Cogumbreiro, Julien Lange. PACMPL, 8(OOPSLA2), 2024.
  • Hidden assumptions in static verification of data-race free GPU programs. Tiago Cogumbreiro, Julien Lange.
  • RegularIMP: an imperative calculus to describe regular languages (Extended Abstract). Soroush Aghajani, Emma Kelminson, Tiago Cogumbreiro. In TFPIE, 2024
  • Towards Concurrency Repair in GPU Kernels with Resource Cost Analysis (Extended Abstract). Gregory Blike, Tiago Cogumbreiro. In SERPL, 2023
  • Scaling data-race freedom analysis with array projections (Extended Abstract). Paul Maynard, Tiago Cogumbreiro. In SERPL, 2023
  • Shelley: a framework for model checking call ordering on hierarchical systems. Carlos Mão de Ferro, Tiago Cogumbreiro, Francisco Martins. In COORDINATION. Springer, 2023.
  • Formalizing Model Inference of MicroPython. Carlos Mão de Ferro, Tiago Cogumbreiro, Francisco Martins. In VERDI. IEEE, 2023.
  • Memory Access Protocols: Certified Data-Race Freedom for GPU Kernels. Tiago Cogumbreiro, Julien Lange, Dennis Liew, Hannah Zicarelli. FMSD, 2023. invited paper (CAV'21 special issue)
  • Dynamic Determinacy Race Detection for Task-Parallel Programs with Promises. Feiyang Jin, Lechen Yu, Tiago Cogumbreiro, Vivek Sarkar, Jun Shirako. In ECOOP, volume 263 of LIPIcs. Schloss Dagstuhl, 2023.
  • Verifying Static Analysis Tools (Extended Abstract). Udaya Sathiyamoorthy, Tiago Cogumbreiro. In TFP, 2023
  • Towards a Mechanized Theory of Computation for Education (Extended Abstract). Tiago Cogumbreiro, Yannick Forster. In TYPES, 2022
  • Gidayu: visualizing automata and their computations. Tiago Cogumbreiro, Gregory Blike. In ITiCSE. ACM, 2022.
  • Provable GPU Data-Races in Static Race Detection. Dennis Liew, Tiago Cogumbreiro, Julien Lange. In PLACES, volume 356 of EPTCS, page 36–45. 2022.
  • Verification of GPU Programs: Evaluation Challenges (Extended Abstract). Hannah Zicarelli, Tiago Cogumbreiro. In PLACES, 2022
  • Checking Data-Race Freedom of GPU Kernels, Compositionally. Tiago Cogumbreiro, Julien Lange, Dennis Lew, Hannah Zicarelli. In CAV, volume 12759, page 403–426. Springer, 2021. 1 of 5 top papers invited for FMSD'23
  • Transitive Joins: A Sound and Efficient Online Deadlock-avoidance Policy. Caleb Voss, Tiago Cogumbreiro, Vivek Sarkar. In PPoPP, page 378–390. ACM, 2019.
  • Dynamic Deadlock Verification for General Barrier Synchronisation. Tiago Cogumbreiro, Raymond Hu, Francisco Martins, Nobuko Yoshida. TOPLAS, 41(1):1–38, 2018.
  • Deadlock Avoidance in Parallel Programs with Futures: Why parallel tasks should not wait for strangers. Tiago Cogumbreiro, Rishi Surendran, Francisco Martins, Vivek Sarkar, Vasco T. Vasconcelos, Max Grossman. PACMPL, 1(OOPSLA), 2017.
  • Formalization of Habanero Phasers using Coq. Tiago Cogumbreiro, Jun Shirako, Vivek Sarkar. JLAMP, 90:50–60, 2017.
  • Design and verification of distributed phasers. Karthik Murthy, Sri Raj Paul, Kuldeep S. Meel, Tiago Cogumbreiro, John M. Mellor-Crummey. In EuroPAR, volume 9833 of LNCS, page 405–418. Springer, 2016.
  • Formalization of phase ordering. Tiago Cogumbreiro, Jun Shirako, Vivek Sarkar. In PLACES, volume 211 of EPTCS, page 13–24. 2016.
  • Dynamic deadlock verification for general barrier synchronisation. Tiago Cogumbreiro, Raymond Hu, Francisco Martins, Nobuko Yoshida. In PPoPP, page 150–160. ACM, 2015.
  • Armus: dynamic deadlock verification for barriers. Tiago Cogumbreiro, Raymond Hu, Francisco Martins, Nobuko Yoshida. In X10. 2014.
  • Coordinating phased activities while maintaining progress. Tiago Cogumbreiro, Francisco Martins, Vasco T. Vasconcelos. In COORDINATION, volume 7890, page 31–44. Springer, 2013.
  • Types for X10 Clocks. Francisco Martins, Vasco T. Vasconcelos, Tiago Cogumbreiro. In PLACES, volume 69 of EPTCS, page 111–129. 2010.
  • Type inference for deadlock detection in a multithreaded typed assembly language. Vasco T. Vasconcelos, Francisco Martins, Tiago Cogumbreiro. In PLACES, volume 17 of EPTCS, page 95–109. 2009.
  • Compiling the π-calculus into a multithreaded typed assembly language. Tiago Cogumbreiro, Francisco Martins, Vasco T. Vasconcelos. In PLACES, volume 241 of ENTCS, page 57–84. 2008.


  • Office: (M03-0201-16) Room 0201-16, 3rd floor, McCormack
  • Office hours: 4:00pm - 5:00pm Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday (in-person)


